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Atradius picks the top 8 markets for business opportunities in 2016. These emerging markets have been showing strong performances over the past three years and are expected to improve further in 2016.
Erhalten Sie Daten zum weltweiten B2B-Inkasso mit Publikationen von Atradius Collections wie dem International Debt Collections Handbook und der Global Collections Review.
Land acquisition issues in setting up greenfield projects, delays in environmental clearances, logistics support and external financing remain major issues
Structural overcapacity in the industry had a negative effect on businesses´ profit margins in 2014, and this negative trend is expected to continue in 2015.
In 2015, Australian business insolvencies are expected to increase slightly by 2% as economic growth slows down and the mining industry faces mounting troubles.
The sector benefits from higher machinery investments as the Japanese economic recovery is on track (GDP is expected to grow 1.0% in 2015 and 1.5% in 2016 after a modest contraction in 2014).