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Atradius picks the top 8 markets for business opportunities in 2016. These emerging markets have been showing strong performances over the past three years and are expected to improve further in 2016.
Erhalten Sie Daten zum weltweiten B2B-Inkasso mit Publikationen von Atradius Collections wie dem International Debt Collections Handbook und der Global Collections Review.
The economic recovery in emerging market economies is expected to continue strengthening in 2018 and these markets could present opportunities for business.
Het International Debt Collections Handbook is een belangrijk naslagwerk voor ondernemingen. Het helpt u de juiste keuzes te maken als u moet incasseren in het buitenland.
The International Debt Collections Handbook is a key tool for businesses when it comes to making decisions concerning collections in foreign countries.
Average payment duration in the food sector is 40 days, and the amount of payment delays and insolvencies remains low compared to other Dutch industries.