
Collect@Net is the most integrated collections platform in the industry and provides a secure and efficient online system through which you can monitor and manage your debt collection cases.

Atradius Collect@Net: online debt collection management

Collect@Net is a secure portal through which you can manage your debt collection cases.

Optimised for ease of use by our customers and partners, as well as your customers, the system boasts functions that are unique to Atradius, as well as 24/7 accessibility.

As an Atradius Collections customer, factor or partner, you can access Collect@Net in a choice of 16 languages and download or share data in the format of your choice (including Word and Excel).

In addition, as the world’s preferred method of communication changes from offline to online, we believe your customers (debtors) should be given the option to pay online. The Collect@Net portal is a central element of this process, creating efficiencies and promoting opportunities for communication between collectors and debtors.




Woman on laptop





Benefits of Collect@Net for domestic traders and exporters

  • Tap into our global expertise, including sector and market expertise and knowledge of local legislation.
  • Monitor individual debtors through detailed and fully-downloadable case histories.
  • Simplify your credit management administration.
  • Customise management information into the download format that best suits your operational needs (Word, Excel etc).
  • Create efficiencies through features such as bulk upload, which enables you to register multiple claims in one go.
  • Enjoy ease of communication with the interactive messaging application for direct communication with your dedicated collection specialist.

Benefits of Collect@Net for factoring businesses

  • Take advantage of our global infrastructure, including our ability to make enquiries in the local language and country of the buyer.
  • Enjoy worldwide support through dedicated relationship managers, local offices and partners.
  • Enhance your fraud prevention processes by receiving warning signals from the portfolio check.
  • Gain 24/7 access to status reports, including invoice balances and discrepancies.
  • Benefit from a standardised approach to invoice checking, regardless of the buyer’s country.

Benefits of Collect@Net for Atradius partners

  • Access an efficient way of communicating with us and manage debt collection cases in your preferred currency and language.
  • Enjoy enhanced security, with access to the system granted according to roles and assignments.
  • Handle data, reports and communication within the portal as a seamless experience, where specific cases maybe automatically transferred for example.
  • Enable a paperless environment by managing approval and communication processes within the portal.
  • Speed up processes such as authorising costs by encoding them and getting them approved online.

Benefits of Collect@Net for debtors

  • Minimise the amount of time it takes for your debtor to pay you and settle the debt by giving them the option to pay online.
  • Access multiple efficiency opportunities, such as automatic allocation and communication through this portal between yourself and your debtors.
  • Enhance your relationships with your customers and debtors by enabling them to access payment plans through a 24/7 secure portal.

If you are an Atradius Collections customer or partner, you may access Collect@Net through the password protected login.

If you are an Atradius Credit Insurance policy holder, you will enjoy automatic access to the support and expertise of Atradius Collections. You will be able to manage your debt collection cases through your Serv@Net login.



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The statements made herein are provided solely for general informational purposes and should not be relied upon for any purpose. Please refer to the actual policy or the relevant product or services agreement for the governing terms. Nothing herein should be construed to create any right, obligation, advice or responsibility on the part of Atradius, including any obligation to conduct due diligence of buyers or on your behalf. If Atradius does conduct due diligence on any buyer it is for its own underwriting purposes and not for the benefit of the insured or any other person. Additionally, in no event shall Atradius and its related, affiliated and subsidiary companies be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use of the statements made information herein.