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Doing business in Brazil can be challenging if you’re not used to the local business environment. The ten principles set out in this report can help make trading relationships lasting and successful.
Acesse dados de cobrança de dívidas globais com publicações da Atradius Collections, incluindo o Manual de Cobrança de Dívida Internacional, Cobranças Globais e Relatórios de Tendências da Indústria.
Acesse um panorama atual da situação de crédito e risco e performance de negócios das 14 maiores empresas no seu país. A previsão é baseada na avaliação dos analistas da Atradius.
Due to limited organic growth opportunities and the on-going economic uncertainty, market players strive to expand through acquisitions and specialisation.
Despite continued sales growth, most German ICT businesses operate on very tight margins due to fierce competition and price erosion in most subsectors.
On average, payments in the ICT sector take between 30 and 90 days. Business culture promotes prompt payment, and therefore the number of delays is low.
After an increase of almost five percentage points in 2016, the percentage of overdue B2B invoices in Eastern Europe decreased again this year (41.5%).
The percentage of overdue B2B invoices in Hungary decreased in 2017. At 29.7%, the payment default rate in the country is far under the regional average.
High uncertainty surrounding NAFTA renegotiations and other US policy directions in international trade, and specifically targeting Mexico, could adversely affect sentiment and investment.
In 2017 the number of Belgian business insolvencies will still be much higher than the levels seen before the start of the global credit crisis in 2008.