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Doing business in Brazil can be challenging if you’re not used to the local business environment. The ten principles set out in this report can help make trading relationships lasting and successful.
Acesse dados de cobrança de dívidas globais com publicações da Atradius Collections, incluindo o Manual de Cobrança de Dívida Internacional, Cobranças Globais e Relatórios de Tendências da Indústria.
Acesse um panorama atual da situação de crédito e risco e performance de negócios das 14 maiores empresas no seu país. A previsão é baseada na avaliação dos analistas da Atradius.
Non-payments and business failures have increased, and are expected to rise further in the coming months. Many businesses suffer from decreasing margins.
In 2016 economic growth will decrease to 3% due to less agriculture output and decreasing exports. In 2017 GDP is expected to rebound again, growing 4.5%.
The economy still has room to absorb the oil price slump, but a long-term period of low oil prices would hurt. Economic diversification is on the agenda.
A moderate economic rebound is expected in 2016 and 2017, given that the domestic security situation will not again hurt tourism and business sentiment.
As the oil price decrease has a negative impact on government revenues and lending conditions, many businesses face liquidity issues and payment delays.
Poor payment practices of B2B customers caused financial distress on businesses in Western Europe and a ripple effect throughout the whole supply chain.