The International Debt Collections Handbook is a key tool for businesses when it comes to making decisions concerning collections in foreign countries.

The Atradius Collections International Debt Collections Handbook is an annual publication that explains the diversity and complexity of country-specific debt collection approaches in detail. This includes the different stages of amicable settlement, financial regulations around collections, legal proceedings and insolvency procedures in more than 40 countries.
Our clients tell us they regard the Handbook as an invaluable and highly demanded tool for decision-makers in the collections and credit management industry. No business is immune to the risks associated with international trade and can be exposed to poor payment behavior. As a result, maintaining and protecting cash flow is especially crucial. Having knowledge of the amicable collections process, as well as the country specific legal phases surrounding collections, is therefore vital. With local expertise, businesses can ensure that they are following a professional and successful approach, which is where this publication is of a great value.

What can you find in our Handbook?
Each country entry includes a snapshot of the current local economic situation including; GDP, major industries, import-export growth and the Atradius Collections success rate.

Amicable Phase
The description of each country starts with insight into amicable proceedings. It explains local debt collections customs such as prescription periods, common payment methods and employment of a local agent to make field visits to your debtors in the amicable phase. It also gives an overview of the interests and collections costs that are charged to the debtors.

Legal Procedures
Valuable insights are given on legal dunning procedures, which significantly differs per country. The Handbook explains differences and highlights roles of procedure rules, lawsuits, courts, bailiff and enforcement measures in the legal debt collection process.

Insolvency Proceedings
Atradius Collections provides complete service and support to its clients in all cases. The Handbook describes collections procedures when your customer goes bankrupt focusing on minimizing your losses. Bankruptcy procedures are often lengthy and cumbersome and can include an added level of complexity when dealing with a debtor abroad. You will learn what approaches are the most effective when making claims against domestic and international bankruptcies.
Services available
We offer various options for your business credit management requirements. From collect letters send on your behalf, to one-off debt placement, all the way through to fully outsourced receivables in the name of the client. Our aim is to support you in recovering your overdue debt wherever in the world your invoices may be. Find out more about our services or contact us now.
A sneak peek into our Handbook: