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The consequences of any US shift on its Mexico policy remain to be seen, but increased currency volatility has already an negative impact on the economy.
Acceda a los datos de cobro de deuda a nivel global mediante las publicaciones de AC, incluyendo el Manual de Cobro de Deudas Internacionales, el Estudio Global sobre Cobro y el Informe de Evolución del Sector.
In 2018 sales are expected to be affected by slower household spending growth, triggered by a weaker housing market and subdued growth in household income.
Indonesia's retail sector is one of the most promising in Asia, on the back of its large population and growing middle class with higher purchasing power.
The short-term outlook is benign with private consumption expected to increase by more than 6% in 2018, but higher inflation could have a dampening effect.
The best way for smaller retailers to survive is to join a large purchasing association and to compete with e-commerce by providing outstanding service.
The business environment is highly competitive among the different distribution networks, reinforced by the increasing market share of online retailers.
Many long-standing retail chains are highly indebted, often from leveraged buyouts led by private equity firms, while investors reconsider further lending.