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Bekijk informatie over minnelijke en gerechtelijke incasso wereldwijd met Atradius Collections Publicaties, inclusief het Internationaal Incassohandboek, Global Collections Review en het Industry Trends Report.
Bekijk een snapshot van het kredietrisico en de bedrijfsprestaties van 14 grote sectoren in meer dan 30 landen. De vooruitzichten zijn gebaseerd op de beoordeling door de kredietanalisten van Atradius
Although China ́s economic growth is forecast to slow down in 2014, there are many positive catalysts for the car industry , and we expect a second straight year of strong growth.
Russia ́s fiscal position still looks robust. Public debt has been relatively stable at 8% since the global credit crisis of 2008/2009 and is even set to decline in 2015.
Mexico’s steel industry is expected to continue its rebound in 2015, thanks to an upturn in construction activities: mainly through housing and infrastructure investment postponed in 2013.
Overall, Japanese steel production increased 3.1% year-on-year in 2013. In the first half of 2014 domestic steel orders increased 2.8%, while export orders fell by 9.4%.