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Wzrost polskiego PKB zwolnił od 2015 r. w związku ze spadkiem poziomu inwestycji. Przewiduje się, że w 2017 r. PKB wzrośnie do poziomu 3,3% z 2,8% w 2016 r.
Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z publikacjami Atradius Collections. Wśród nich – International Debt Collections Handbook, raporty na temat rynku windykacji na świecie oraz trendów w branży.
Dostęp do prognozy przygotowanej na podstawie oceny ryzyka kredytowego oraz wyników działalności 14 głównych gałęzi przemysłu w ponad 30 krajach. Zestawienie opiera się na ocenie analityków Atradiusa.
An agreement curtailing Iran’s nuclear programme in exchange for the lifting of international sanctions could reopen the Iranian economy to Western exporters, creating opportunities but also risks.
33% of survey respondents in Sweden (compared to 20% in Western Europe) consider a fall in demand for their products and services as one of the greatest challenges to business profitability in 2015.
When asked to indicate the greatest challenge to business profitability in 2015 two in five Greek respondents indicated maintaining adequate cash flow and collection of outstanding invoices.
B2B payment defaults in Western Europe remain significant. This is expected to slow the still weak economic recovery, particularly of the Eurozone, and keep insolvency rates well above 2007 levels.
Respondents in Denmark are the most inclined to use trade credit of all the countries surveyed in Western Europe. 70.5% of the total value of their domestic B2B sales is transacted on credit terms.
31% of survey respondents in Switzerland, compared to 24% in Western Europe overall, consider cost containment to be one of the greatest challenges to business profitability in 2015.
The 58 day average DSO in Spain appears to be heavily impacted by high delinquency rates. These average 10% of the value of B2B receivables, mainly on the domestic market.
The payment default environment observed in Great Britain suggests businesses are making a strong effort to improve business profitability by managing their receivables portfolios more efficiently.