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Wzrost polskiego PKB zwolnił od 2015 r. w związku ze spadkiem poziomu inwestycji. Przewiduje się, że w 2017 r. PKB wzrośnie do poziomu 3,3% z 2,8% w 2016 r.
Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z publikacjami Atradius Collections. Wśród nich – International Debt Collections Handbook, raporty na temat rynku windykacji na świecie oraz trendów w branży.
Dostęp do prognozy przygotowanej na podstawie oceny ryzyka kredytowego oraz wyników działalności 14 głównych gałęzi przemysłu w ponad 30 krajach. Zestawienie opiera się na ocenie analityków Atradiusa.
Problems remain in the building sectors of most of the countries covered in this issue of the Market Monitor. Consequently, the outlook for the construction industry in 2015 remains muted.
Problems remain in the building sectors of most of the countries covered in this issue of the Market Monitor. Consequently, the outlook for the construction industry in 2015 remains muted.
Problems remain in the building sectors of most of the countries covered in this issue of the Market Monitor. Consequently, the outlook for the construction industry in 2015 remains muted.
In 2015 we expect the construction sector in Germany to perform well and construction insolvencies to decrease by 3%, less than the 5% decrease forecast for business insolvencies in Germany overall.
A 9 % increase is forecast for the US construction sector in 2015; the vast majority of construction and design firm executives believe the market is stable or growing.
While French business insolvencies are forecast to level off in 2015, it is expected that construction business failures will further increase due to the low economic growth forecast for France.