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Wzrost polskiego PKB zwolnił od 2015 r. w związku ze spadkiem poziomu inwestycji. Przewiduje się, że w 2017 r. PKB wzrośnie do poziomu 3,3% z 2,8% w 2016 r.
Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z publikacjami Atradius Collections. Wśród nich – International Debt Collections Handbook, raporty na temat rynku windykacji na świecie oraz trendów w branży.
Dostęp do prognozy przygotowanej na podstawie oceny ryzyka kredytowego oraz wyników działalności 14 głównych gałęzi przemysłu w ponad 30 krajach. Zestawienie opiera się na ocenie analityków Atradiusa.
Growth has slowed down due to the end of the commodity boom and weaker doemstic demand, but the business environment remains one of the best in the region.
Against a backdrop of heightened political uncertainty, the Dutch economy is holding firm. A centre-right coalition is the most likely outcome of the elections.
The recovery of the Dutch construction sector continued in 2016, but there is still overcapacity in the market, and a consolidation has yet to take place.
Italian building cooperatives and smaller companies focused on domestic residential construction remain highly exposed to the risk of business failure.
Future US construction growth could get an additional boost if, as announced, the new US administration invests heavily in infrastructure improvements.
A modest recovery is forecast in the non-residential segment due to stronger private demand and activity picking up in the infrastructure building sector.
Due to the deterioration in demand competition has increased, as builders operate on lower margins in order to obtain the remaining available business.
Private building projects are expected to decrease due to less benign economic conditions and an increased supply completed housing projects and offices.
The price of oil has stabilised, largely thanks to OPEC’s shift in policy. The market is expected to rebalance in 2018 driving up prices in the medium term.
India’s economic growth outlook for 2017 remains robust, but a rather weak banking sector and high foreign indebtedness of domestic firms remain concerns.