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Wzrost polskiego PKB zwolnił od 2015 r. w związku ze spadkiem poziomu inwestycji. Przewiduje się, że w 2017 r. PKB wzrośnie do poziomu 3,3% z 2,8% w 2016 r.
Zachęcamy do zapoznania się z publikacjami Atradius Collections. Wśród nich – International Debt Collections Handbook, raporty na temat rynku windykacji na świecie oraz trendów w branży.
Dostęp do prognozy przygotowanej na podstawie oceny ryzyka kredytowego oraz wyników działalności 14 głównych gałęzi przemysłu w ponad 30 krajach. Zestawienie opiera się na ocenie analityków Atradiusa.
There are positive signs for the Turkish chemicals industry. In 2015, the chemicals sector is expected to grow driven by increasing demand and the positive effects of the lower oil prices.
In Q1 2015, the Dutch chemicals sector saw an increase in production and exports. Additionally, it is expected that Dutch chemicals businesses ́ investments will increase in 2015.
In 2015 Italian chemicals production is forecast to grow 1.4 %, due to increasing exports (up 3.2 %) and the first signs of improving domestic demand (up 1.3 %) after four years of contraction.
The chemicals sector is benefiting from the on-going US economic growth. US chemicals production growth is expected to increase 3.7 % in 2015 and 3.9 % in 2016 (after growing 2 % in 2014).
German chemicals/pharmaceuticals businesses have a strong market position, and many are highly specialised. The industry has a well-deserved reputation for innovation and a competitive edge.
The chemicals sector ́s export share (mainly in Europe) amounts to more than two thirds of overall sales. French businesses are in strong competition with international players, especially the US.
The UAE’s ICT market is currently characterised by high competition, single-digit margins, low entry barriers and stagnating growth in sub-segments like PCs and desktops.
The German ICT sector generally has good growth prospects, but low margins, sharp price erosion and steep competition lead to an on-going trend of consolidation.