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Key success factors for Danish machinery businesses is their ability to streamline costsand continued investment in product development/new technology.
Få adgang til data om erhvervsinkasso med Atradius Collections’ publikationer, herunder vores internationale inkassohåndbog, Global Collections Review og Industry Trends-rapporter.
Få et overblik over kreditrisikoen og performance i erhvervslivet inden for 14 brancher i mere end 25 lande. Prognosen er baseret på en vurdering af underwritere hos Atradius.
Despite an expected GDP growth rate of more than 5% in 2017 structural weaknesses remain, and firms are increasingly vulnerable to currency volatility.
A prudent fiscal policy has limited the consequences of low oil and gas prices, but the economy is vulnerable to a hard landing of the Chinese economy.
GDP growth is expected to remain at a level of about 6% in 2017, but growing political uncertainty could hamper business sentiment and foreign investment.
Growing competition from mainland China in the electronics sector require productivity increases and a diversification of the economy in the long-term.
High growth of more than 6% in 2017, but economic fundamentals still show some weaknesses and Vietnamese businesses suffer from limited access to capital.
Gas prices have bottomed out and Atradius expects them to increase over the period up to 2021. Demand will be more moderate, but fueled primarily by China.